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Help! I Can't Do This Homework!

Top 10 Homework Tips

Who dreads homework more a child or the parents?

Homework is one of the biggest causes of friction between parents and children. Nobody really wants to take their work home with them, so perhaps it's not surprising that children are not exactly keen to get on with it.

Here are 10 homework tips to help make getting it done that bit easier.

1. Check what needs to be done early

I have heard of some parents who insist the weekend's home work is done and out of the way by teatime on Friday. This is a bit extreme for my own personal taste, but if you find it gets the job done and works for you then carry on. One important point I learnt from hearing of this method was to at least check through any homework that has been set as soon as you possibly can. There have been times when I have discovered on a Sunday night that in order to complete the homework a trip to a library was required. Now that makes it harder when they are all closed.

Checking homework early also helps you to assess how long the homework will take.

2. Consider using treats to entice your children to finish homework early

This doesn't have to cost you a large sum of money, but perhaps you can link it in with an activity that is already planned. For example if homework is completed in the morning it makes time for a trip to the park in the afternoon.

3. Be prepared to help with organization and getting started

I have found that getting started is often the hardest part of any task. Talk through the homework with your child. Make sure they understand the work they need to do. Helping them to break down the task into manageable sections can make the homework appear less daunting.

4. Create the right environment and avoid distractions

Sitting at a table or desk is likely to help. It is a bit like being in school. A quiet environment also helps. If you had to do your work each day while also watching television then you probably wouldn't get very far. Therefore homework will progress a lot faster with the television off and other distractions such a sibling playing out of the way.

5. Ensure your child has all the equipment they need

If they have all the things they need at the start such as paper, the correct pencils etc. then there should be no need to stop half way through to find something. This helps to maintain concentration and momentum. (I have always found a good quality eraser is vital!).

6. Make sure they have enough time to complete the work

Many children do not work as well when up against the clock. Therefore just making sure there is plenty of time available to get the work done. If your child is new to homework it is worth considering doubling any time estimates until you have a better understanding of how long homework usually takes.

7. Plan homework at the same time of day each time

This is not always possible with busy children who have lots of clubs and activities. But it can help to build homework into your child's routine and help them to accept it may be a dirty job, but it's one that needs doing. If they get used to homework being part of their routine they are more likely to get on with it without kicking up a fuss.

8. Is your child being overloaded?

Although homework needs to be done it should not totally dominate. If you think your child is being given too much homework, the work is too hard or it is not clear what needs to be done then talk to the school about your concerns. If you are finding it almost impossible to get your child to complete their homework then ask the school for help.

The same homework is often set for children of all abilities. So if your child struggles with a particular subject it may be an indication that they could benefit from a bit more support.

9. Stay calm!

If homework is causing friction then try to keep calm. This is something I have not always found easy when a child refuses to use any of the guidelines listed above (insists they can do their homework just before bedtime, while watching their favourite program and playing a game with a sibling etc.). Getting angry about it only makes you feel worse and often has no effect on getting the homework done.

The more positive you can be about homework in general the better. Praise your children when they have completed the work they have to do. A little encouragement can go a long way.

10. Keep in Touch

Check the marks your children are receiving for their homework. This more than anything tells you if the effort being put in is enough in terms of both quantity and quality.

Source: reference if parents want to go to this website

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